• head_banner_01


Txhim khu kev qha Tuam Tshoj Mini Portable Desktop Nws pib tsom Fiber Laser Npav Tshuab rau Hlau Lub Npe Tag Engraving Yas Tsiaj Logo Printing Hom Phaj Rotary Ring Hnub Engraver

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Co2 Laser Marking Tshuab
Qhov no Co2 Laser Marking Tshuab Hloov Cov Qauv Laser Npav Tshuab nrog Faster Ceev. Thaum daws tau qhov poob dav hlau, jams, thiab tus nqi siab tsis ua haujlwm, nws zoo heev txhim kho lub sijhawm luam ntawv ceev thiab teb lub sijhawm, yam tsis ntxiv cov khoom siv thiab txuag nqi.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

"Zoo ua ntej, Honesty raws li lub hauv paus, Sincere kev pab cuam thiab kev sib nrig sib profit" yog peb lub tswv yim, nyob rau hauv thiaj li yuav txhim kho tsis tu ncua thiab nrhiav kev ua tau zoo rau cov neeg muag khoom ntseeg siab Tuam Tshoj Mini Portable Desktop Auto Focus Fiber Laser Marking Tshuab rau Hlau Lub Npe Tag Engraving Yas Tsiaj Logo Printing Hom Phaj Rotary Ring Date Engraver, Tam sim no, peb tab tom nrhiav ua ntej kom muaj kev koom tes loj dua nrog cov neeg siv khoom txawv teb chaws raws li kev sib koom ua ke. Thov koj xav paub dawb los tiv tauj peb kom paub meej ntxiv.
"Quality first, Honesty as base, Sincere service and mutual profit" yog peb lub tswv yim, txhawm rau txhim kho txuas ntxiv thiab nrhiav kev ua tau zoo rauTuam Tshoj CNC Engraving Tshuab,Laser Engraver, Peb tau teeb tsa kev tswj xyuas nruj. Peb tau txais kev xa rov qab thiab pauv txoj cai, thiab koj tuaj yeem pauv tsis pub dhau 7 hnub tom qab tau txais cov wigs yog tias nws nyob hauv chaw nres tsheb tshiab thiab peb muab kev kho dawb rau peb cov kev daws teeb meem. Nco ntsoov tiv tauj peb kom paub ntxiv yog tias koj muaj lus nug. Peb zoo siab ua haujlwm rau txhua tus neeg siv khoom.

Paub meej Qhia

Co2 Fly_00Co2 Fly_01

Product Performance

1.Simple Installation lag luam, Siv industrial-qib embedded kov txiv neej-tshuab interface, uas zoo heev txhim kho stability thiab tiv thaiv kev cuam tshuam.
2.Professionally tsim kho vajtse system nrog high efficiency, ceev, thiab rhiab heev, uas zoo daws cov teeb meem ntawm miss-spray, daig, tsoo, thiab luam ntawv distortion.
3.Optimally tsim bracket thiab lub teeb txoj kev qauv, ua tshuab tsis muaj installation, yooj yim rau mobile debugging, thiab luam tawm nyob rau hauv txhua qhov chaw.
4.Customized software tswj system muab kev ua haujlwm xws li hnub tim, tsis siv neeg coding, naj npawb hopping, uas zoo heev raws li ntau yam kev siv ntawm coding zaus.
5.Simple tswj system, ceev thiab yooj yim rau siv.
6.No consumables, yooj yim txij nkawm thiab kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig. "Quality first, Honest as base, sincere service and mutual profit" yog peb lub tswv yim, thiaj li yuav txhim kho tsis tu ncua thiab nrhiav qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau Reliable Supplier Tuam Tshoj Mini Portable Desktop Auto Focus Fiber Laser Marking Tshuab rau Hlau Lub Npe Tag Engraving Yas Tsiaj Logo Printing Hom Phaj Rotary Ring Date Engraver, Tam sim no, peb tab tom nrhiav ua ntej kom muaj kev koom tes loj dua nrog cov neeg siv khoom txawv teb chaws raws li kev sib koom ua ke. Thov koj xav paub dawb los tiv tauj peb kom paub meej ntxiv.
Txhim khu kev lag luamTuam Tshoj CNC Engraving Tshuab,Laser Engraver, Peb tau teeb tsa kev tswj xyuas nruj. Peb tau txais kev xa rov qab thiab pauv txoj cai, thiab koj tuaj yeem pauv tsis pub dhau 7 hnub tom qab tau txais cov wigs yog tias nws nyob hauv chaw nres tsheb tshiab thiab peb muab kev kho dawb rau peb cov kev daws teeb meem. Nco ntsoov tiv tauj peb kom paub ntxiv yog tias koj muaj lus nug. Peb zoo siab ua haujlwm rau txhua tus neeg siv khoom.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb