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Tuam Tshoj Chaw tsim tshuaj paus rau Tuam Tshoj 2018 Kub Muag Alt 200portable Online Hnub Sijhawm Me Me Inkjet Tshuab Luam Ntawv nrog Xim Kov Screen

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Ntim thiab luam ntawv tuam txhab xws li zaub mov, dej haus, haus luam yeeb thiab cawv, cables, tshuaj thiab tshuaj pleev ib ce yuav tsum tau luam tus nab npawb, barcodes, cov qauv los yog cov ntawv ntawm cov khoom los yog txheej ntim cartons nquag los yog ntawm ib tug ceev ceev. Kev xyaum tau ua pov thawj tias daim ntawv thov ntawm thermal Foaming On-Line Inkjet tshuab luam ntawv tuaj yeem txhim kho kev ua haujlwm zoo thiab qhov tseeb ntawm cov ntawv luam tawm, yog li txhim kho cov khoom zoo, ua kom cov lag luam los yeej cov khoom lag luam dav dav thiab cov txiaj ntsig zoo dua.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Ob peb xyoos dhau los, peb lub lag luam tau nqus thiab zom cov thev naus laus zis hauv lub xeev ntawm ob qho tib si hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws. Meanwhile, our firm staffs a group of experts devoted to your development of Manufacturing Companies for China 2018 Kub Muag Alt 200portable Online Date Time Small Inkjet Printer with Color Touch Screen, We warmly welcome customers, me business associations and mates from all around the world. tiv tauj peb thiab nrhiav kev koom tes rau kev sib nrig sib zoo.
Ob peb xyoos dhau los, peb lub lag luam tau nqus thiab zom cov thev naus laus zis hauv lub xeev ntawm ob qho tib si hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws. Lub caij no, peb cov neeg ua haujlwm ruaj khov pab pawg kws tshaj lij tau mob siab rau koj txoj kev loj hlobTuam Tshoj Permanent Ink tshuab luam ntawv,Mini Photo Studio tshuab luam ntawv, Koj tuaj yeem ua lag luam ib-nres ntawm no. Thiab customized txiav txim yog txais. Kev lag luam tiag tiag yog kom tau txais qhov xwm txheej yeej-yeej, yog tias ua tau, peb xav muab kev txhawb nqa ntxiv rau cov neeg siv khoom. Zoo siab txais tos txhua tus neeg yuav khoom zoo sib txuas lus cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov khoom thiab cov tswv yim nrog peb !!

Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb

Ntim thiab luam ntawv tuam txhab xws li zaub mov, dej haus, haus luam yeeb thiab cawv, cables, tshuaj thiab tshuaj pleev ib ce yuav tsum tau luam tus nab npawb, barcodes, cov qauv los yog cov ntawv ntawm cov khoom los yog txheej ntim cartons nquag los yog ntawm ib tug ceev ceev. Kev xyaum tau ua pov thawj tias daim ntawv thov ntawm thermal Foaming On-Line Inkjet tshuab luam ntawv tuaj yeem txhim kho kev ua haujlwm zoo thiab qhov tseeb ntawm cov ntawv luam tawm, yog li txhim kho cov khoom zoo, ua kom cov lag luam los yeej cov khoom lag luam dav dav thiab cov txiaj ntsig zoo dua.

Muag taw tes taw qhia

Nrog Hloov Hloov Lub Taub Hau Lub Taub Hau, Koj tuaj yeem siv ob hom Ink Cartridges Ntawm Ib Ntiv Ntiv thiab Ib Ntiv Rau Tus Nqi Ntawm Lub Tshuab.

10 Cov ntxaij vab tshaus loj, cov neeg siv-phooj ywg ua haujlwm, rhiab kov npo

High-Speed ​​Printing, Mus txog 120m / Min

Txhawb ntau hom kev luam ntawv: GS1/QR Code .Etc Txog 33 hom Graphic Codes, Thiab kuj txhawb kev cai Graphic Codes

Txhawb ntau hom duab hom, txawm GIF tuaj yeem ua si, tsis tas yuav hloov cov duab hom

Txhawb ntau hom lus, txog 233 hom, koj tuaj yeem ntxiv cov tswv yim thiab cov ntawv sau los ntawm koj tus kheej

Nruab nrog Adjustable Nozzles rau kev txhim kho yooj yim dua

Qhov Loj 10 Ntiag
Luam Ntawv Ceev Mus txog 120m / min
Variable Code Code128, EAN8, EAN13, EAN128, QR, GS1 (txuas ntxiv mus)
Txhawb Lus 16 yam lus xws li Suav, Askiv, Kauslim, Mev, Nyiv, Fabkis, German, Italian (koj tuaj yeem ntxiv txhua hom lus)
Sau Qhov siab 12.7mm (ib nrab nti) lossis 25.4mm (Ib nti)

Cov khoom no yog dab tsi?

Lub tshuab luam ntawv online Inkjet yog hom Tij. Txoj Cai Luam Ntawv ntawm Tij yog siv cov yeeb yaj kiab nyias nyias kom sov tsawg dua 0.5% ntawm tus number case nyob rau hauv cheeb tsam ejection los ua npuas. Cov npuas no nthuav dav ntawm qhov nrawm nrawm (tsawg dua 10 Microseconds), yuam cov kua dej kom tshem tawm ntawm lub Nozzle. Cov npuas txuas ntxiv loj hlob rau ob peb lub microseconds, tom qab ntawd ploj rov qab mus rau tus neeg tiv thaiv. Thaum Npuas ploj lawm, tus number case nyob rau hauv lub nozzle retracts. Tom qab ntawd Cov Nto Ntog Yuav Tsim Suction.
Thaum Tij Laug Tshuab khiav, tus number case tsis rov siv dua, thiab tus number case ceev yog ib txwm zoo ib yam. Tsis Xav Ntxiv Diluent (Solvent), Tus Nqi Ua Haujlwm yog qis dua Cij hom.
Tus number case tsis tas yuav rov siv dua, thiab Ink Supply System tau kaw zoo kom tsis txhob muaj kuab paug. Tus cwj mem raug tshem tawm ncaj qha, nrog rau nws tus kheej lub siab, tsis tas yuav tsum muaj lub twj tso kua mis siab lossis lwm yam khoom siv los muab kev kub ntxhov.

Cov khoom siv no?
Cov tshuab luam ntawv inkjet feem ntau yog nyob rau hauv dej haus, npias, dej ntxhia thiab lwm yam lag luam, tab sis lawv kuj tau pib tsim hauv kev lag luam xws li hlau thiab cable, khoom noj khoom haus tsis zoo, luam yeeb, thiab roj teeb. Ntxiv nrog rau kev paub txog hnub tsim khoom, Inkjet Printing Function kuj tseem tuaj yeem taug qab cov teeb meem muaj peev xwm thiab tiv thaiv kev cuav, thiab lwm yam.

192c5d27-17b8-4e7a-905d-6a2ce271d5bdfsf uaPrint material effect displayloj scxwbdfszaf uanthuav davde 2

Ob peb xyoos dhau los, peb lub lag luam tau nqus thiab zom cov thev naus laus zis hauv lub xeev ntawm ob qho tib si hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws. Meanwhile, our firm staffs a group of experts devoted to your development of Manufacturing Companies for China 2018 Kub Muag Alt 200portable Online Date Time Small Inkjet Printer with Color Touch Screen, We warmly welcome customers, me business associations and mates from all around the world. tiv tauj peb thiab nrhiav kev koom tes rau kev sib nrig sib zoo.
Manufacturing tuam txhab uas muag rauTuam Tshoj Permanent Ink tshuab luam ntawv,Mini Photo Studio tshuab luam ntawv, Koj tuaj yeem ua lag luam ib-nres ntawm no. Thiab customized txiav txim yog txais. Kev lag luam tiag tiag yog kom tau txais qhov xwm txheej yeej-yeej, yog tias ua tau, peb xav muab kev txhawb nqa ntxiv rau cov neeg siv khoom. Zoo siab txais tos txhua tus neeg yuav khoom zoo sib txuas lus cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov khoom thiab cov tswv yim nrog peb !!

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb